Thursday, August 18, 2011

i stayed up way too late...

Falling asleep on the couch before the kids usually means I'm up when I should have gone to bed and I'm wandering my house looking for something to paint when most normal people are in their deep sleep. Last night was one of those nights. While I don't have a newly painted wall or anything, I did have some more fun with my ball jars.

We've been in need of a new dish soap dispenser in the kitchen for some time and I've been refusing to purchase a new one. The old one was a hand made piece purchased at a craft show in Upstate New York so I didn't want to get just any replacement from Target or wherever. There's something nice about having unique things in the home that aren't found in every big box store.

That being said, I made myself a new dish soap dispenser somewhere between 2 and 3 am. (It's a good thing my kids are good sleepers.)

I used the existing pump from the broken dispenser.

Punched a hole in the ball jar lid...

Until I could get the pump to fit and then snipped down the tubey thingy...

And voila!

As if I didn't stay up late enough, I also found new ways to display candles in the bathroom using leftover dried berries from Christmas.

Okay, now I'm tired...

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